Ever heard of Cenote?
They are deep underground water-filled-sinkholes that lies east of the major Chichén Itzá ruins, a dark underground world the Mayans called Cenoté. At present times, one goes to Cenote through a vertical hole with narrow stair steps (carved by the Mayans themselves) with slimy ledges that could plunge you deep over 20 feet below if you will not be careful. After you've crawled under some especially low hanging stalactites, a beautiful blue green pool of unknown depth stretches out before you.

Every once in a year a rare event happens, sometime in April you might experience a sight to behold! A piercing beam of light streams in from the ceiling and touches the tip of a massive stalagtite which hangs down just inches from touching the surface, illuminating the pool and the entire chamber.
There is a dark mystery to Cenoté. Mayan petroglyphs depict human sacrifices at these sites. What lies under this Cenoté is not known, no one has ever been able to reach it's depths.
Credits: Mysterious Places